Here's a blog post comparing Linux to Windows: Linux has been around for decades and it�s still one of the most popular operating systems. Compared to other options like Windows, there are several reasons why more people are choosing to use Linux. Here we will look at some advantages that Linux has over Windows. One reason why Linux beats out Windows is security. The open source nature of Linux allows vulnerabilities to be identified quickly and fixed by volunteers from all over the world rather than just relying on Microsoft employees. Furthermore, because hackers target Windows far more often than they do Linux, using Linux provides extra protection against cyber threats right off the bat. Another advantage with Linux comes down to price; while you may have paid good money for a legitimate copy of Windows, Linux can be downloaded entirely free of charge. With so many different distributions (or "flavors") available online today, such as Ubuntu or Fedora, new users can try out multiple versions before committing to any single option which can take time to get used to. A third pro of Linux relates directly back to its origin story: the fact that thousands upon thousands of individuals worked together to develop this system makes for an incredibly stable platform given how thoroughly it was tested during development before being publicly released. Most problems with modern computers stem from software bugs anyway--think Blue Screen Of Death in early versions of Windows Vista/7, for example--so running code that underwent years worth of testing by countless experts is sure to produce fewer headaches than buying into products created by what amounts to a small group of strangers. This stability also ties into Linux having lower resource usage needs than Windows, requiring less powerful hardware components to run smoothly compared to newer builds of Windows (such as those starting with the Windows 10 generation). Given this trend towards ever-heavier PC requirements with each passing year, sticking w